This book Ian Donald’s Practical Obstetrics Problems, 8th edition provides the best practices in clinical obstetrics. Each chapter has been updated to provide the most recent guidance in diagnosis and management, with a focus on practical tips and advice to deal with routine as well as urgent scenarios. It is a must read for budding obstetricians pursuing postgraduation in Obstetrics and Gynaecology as well as practicing obstetricians.
A perfect combination of up-to-date guidelines with practical tips throughout the book. Includes the recent advances in diagnosis and treatment of medical disorders in pregnancy and labour guidelines to reduce dystocia and caesarean section rates.
Salient features
• Recent advances in prenatal diagnosis
• Updated guidelines on managing thyroid dysfunction during pregnancy
• Best practices in the management of infections including HIV during pregnancy
• Premalignant and malignant diseases associated with pregnancy
• Revised labour curves, duration and progress of first and second stage and their management
• Interventions to reduce caesarean sections
• Postpartum haemorrhage: Prevention and management
• Insight into the causes of postpartum non-haemorrhagic collapse
• Advances in neonatology that the obstetrician needs to know
• Updated Appendix on drugs and vaccination during pregnancy and lactation.
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